Want to become a more durable athlete?

Strength matters.

Unfortunately, most strength programs designed "for runners" are really lacking...

Want to become a
more durable athlete?

Strength matters.

Yet most strength programs "for runners" are really lacking...

Strength training is key.

Not just for runners - but for anyone wanting to live a long, healthy life.

In this guide, you'll find...

  • Why strength matters

  • How to program strength

  • How to personalize a program

  • 2-day "full gym" program

  • 2-day "bands & body" program

  • More...

Strength training is key.

Not just for runners - but for anyone looking to live a long, healthy life.

In this guide, you'll find...

  • Why strength matters

  • How to program strength

  • How to personalize your program

  • 2-day "full gym" program

  • 2-day "bands & body weight" program

  • More...


...and why is this program different?

I'm Will Frantz and I want to help you hit your running goals. For years, I felt like I was spinning my wheels.

I'd train hard and see some progress, only to get injured and feel like I had to start all over again.

Thankfully, I found a better way.

I stopped following the standard advice I was finding on the internet and started diving deeper into a wide variety of training methods - and it's worked well to help me and the athletes I coach to perform better.

As runners, we often get obsessed with nothing but running more.

While running volume is important - you need to run a lot to do well in an ultramarathon - it's not the only thing that matters.

If we really want to perform well, we have to move well - which means getting stronger in the places that matter.

Solid performance comes from solid programming - and while there are a lot of great programs out there, most of the strength programs I found specifically for runners weren't very effective.

That's why I wrote this guide.

In this guide, you'll learn why strength matters, some fundamentals for writing your own program, ways to personalize your training and adjust for your running schedule, and 2 full programs you can use regardless of your access to equipment.

Check it out and see what you think.

Good luck and have fun training!

— Will Frantz


...and what makes this program different?

I'm Will Frantz and I want to help you hit your running goals. For years, I felt like I was spinning my wheels.

I'd train hard and see some progress, only to get injured and feel like I had to start all over again.

Thankfully, I found a better way.

I stopped following the standard advice I was finding on the internet and started diving deeper into a wide variety of training methods - and it's worked well to help me and the athletes I coach to perform better.

As runners, we often get obsessed with nothing but running more.

While running volume is important - you need to run a lot to do well in an ultramarathon - it's not the only thing that matters.

If we really want to perform well, we have to move well - which means getting stronger in the places that matter.

Solid performance comes from solid programming - and while there are a lot of great programs out there, most of the strength programs I found specifically for runners weren't very effective.

That's why I wrote this guide.

In this guide, you'll learn why strength matters, some fundamentals for writing your own program, ways to personalize your training and adjust for your running schedule, and 2 full programs you can use regardless of your access to equipment.

Check it out and see what you think.

Good luck and have fun training!

— Will Frantz

Will Frantz | Mountain Goat Endurance Coaching | All Rights Reserved