This guide will show you how to dial in your hydration so you can stay safe and have fun!
Inside you'll find...
How hydration affects nutrition
How to plan your hydration
Electrolyte recommendations
Advice for "super sweaters"
A race day "assessment table"
Daily hydration advice
This guide will show you how to dial in your hydration so you can stay safe and have fun!
Inside you'll find...
How hydration affects nutrition
How to plan hydration
Electrolyte strategies
Advice for "super sweaters"
Race day "assessment table"
Daily hydration advice
I'm Will Frantz and I want to help you hit your running goals. For years, I felt like I was spinning my wheels.
I'd train hard and see some progress, only to get injured and feel like I had to start all over again.
Thankfully, I found a better way.
I stopped following the standard advice I was finding on the internet and started diving deeper into a wide variety of training methods - and it's worked well to help me and the athletes I coach to perform better.
As runners, we often get obsessed with nothing but training.
While training is obviously important - it's not the only thing that matters.
If we really want to perform well, we hydrate and fuel well - which more often than not requires a solid plan.
I used to spend hours in the mountains with little more than a bottle of water and then I'd wonder why I was struggling so much with problems of bonking, nausea, and recovery.
Turns out my hydration strategy was terrible and I know I'm not alone.
That's why I wrote this guide.
In this guide, you'll learn why hydration matters, what it has to do with fueling, how to dial in your personal strategies, and what to do if everything starts to go wrong.
Check it out and see what you think.
Good luck and have fun training!
— Will Frantz
I'm Will Frantz and I want to help you hit your running goals. For years, I felt like I was spinning my wheels.
I'd train hard and see some progress, only to get injured and feel like I had to start all over again.
Thankfully, I found a better way.
I stopped following the standard advice I was finding on the internet and started diving deeper into a wide variety of training methods - and it's worked well to help me and the athletes I coach to perform better.
As runners, we often get obsessed with nothing but training.
While training is obviously important - it's not the only thing that matters.
If we really want to perform well, we hydrate and fuel well - which more often than not requires a solid plan.
I used to spend hours in the mountains with little more than a bottle of water and then I'd wonder why I was struggling so much with problems of bonking, nausea, and recovery.
Turns out my hydration strategy was terrible and I know I'm not alone.
In this guide, you'll learn why hydration matters, what it has to do with fueling, how to dial in your personal strategies, and what to do if everything starts to go wrong.
Check it out and see what you think.
Good luck and have fun training!
— Will Frantz